Multiple File Upload In Cake Php

A full-blown AJAX file uploader plugin for CakePHP 2.0.x and 2.1.Using this, you can add multiple file upload behaviour to any or allof your models without having to modify the database or schema.

  1. Multiple File Upload Mvc
  2. Multiple File Upload In Cake Php Tutorial
  3. Multiple File Upload In Cakephp 3.0

File upload in cakephp. How can I upload a file using cakephp? Is there any framework support for file uploading or should I write my own code for this? Share improve this question. Edited Jul 26 '12 at 22:54. Aurelio De Rosa. 17.5k 8 39 64. Home » CakePHP » Handling File Uploads in CakePHP. Handling File Uploads in CakePHP. By: CodexWorld In. Upload Multiple Images using jQuery, Ajax and PHP.

You can click on the Upload File button, or drag-and-drop files intoit. You can upload multiple files at a time without having to clickon any button, and it shows you a nice progress notification duringuploads. You can also delete files in edit mode.

As of May 2015, this now uses Dropzone.js to allow file uploads.

How to Use

Download or checkout

You can either download the ZIP file:

or checkout the code (leave the Password field blank):

Put it in the Plugin/ directory

Unzip or move the contents of this to 'Plugin/AjaxMultiUpload' underthe app root.

Add to bootstrap.php load

Open Config/bootstrap.php and add this line:

This will allow the plugin to load all the files that it needs including it's own bootstrap.

Create file directory

Make sure to create the correct files upload directory if it doesn'texist already:

The default upload directory is 'files' under /webroot - but this canbe changed (see FAQ below.)

You don't have to give it a 777 permission - just make sure the webserver user can write to this directory.

Add to controller

Add to Controller/AppController.php for use in all controllers, orin just your specific controller where you will use it as below:

The component will load the required helper automatically so youdon't have to manually load it in your controllers.

Add to views

Let's say you had a 'companies' table with a 'id' primary key.

Add this to your View/Companies/view.ctp:

and this to your View/Companies/edit.ctp:

Custom listing of files

If you don't like the custom views that result from this->Upload->view(), you can use the listing() function to custom-list files, or use the file listing for other purposes (generating thumbnails, for instance).

In your view, you can do this:

and use the directory, baseUrl, and files data structures to display your files. Look at UploadHelper's view() function to see how the listing() function is used internally.

Add to controllers

Add the following to the delete() function of your Company controller where appropriate (either first line, or right after $this->Company->delete() check):

Restrict file types to upload

Add a third parameter to the this->Upload->edit() function, which specifies which types you want to restrict the upload to.

If you don't specify the third parameter, users will be able to upload all file types (so all files types are allowed by default.)

Documentation on the string to use to specify files / types to upload is in this Stackoverflow answer about Dropzone allowed types:

Some Gotchas

Thanks to rscherf@github for the following two fixes.

Using Auth

If you are using Auth (either the CakePHP core Auth or some of thecompatible or incompatible ones), you need to modify the controllerto allow uploads to work.

Add these lines to the UploadsController.php (you may have to modifyslightly depending on your Auth setup). Thanks to @notoriousturtle for the fix for CakePHP 2.5 and above.

CakePHP 2.5 and above
Before CakePHP 2.5


If you are using a subdomain, you will have to set up the plugincorrectly to work (depending, again, on how you have your sub-domainsset up in your Apache/htaccess settings).

These are the changes to be made to routes.php:

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Multiple File Upload Mvc


Dude! No database/table schema changes?

Nope. :) Just drop this plugin in the right Plugin/ directory and addthe code to the controller and views. Make sure the 'files' directoryunder webroot is writable, otherwise uploads will fail.

No tables/database changes are needed since the plugin uses a directorystructure based on the model name and id to save the appropriate filesfor the model.

Help! I get file upload or file size error messages!

The default upload file size limit is set to a conservative 2 MBto make sure it works on all (including shared) hosting. To changethis:

  • Open up Plugin/AjaxMultipUpload/Config/bootstrap.php and change the'AMU.filesizeMB' setting to whatever size in MB you like.
  • Make sure to also change the upload size setting (upload_max_filesize and post_max_size) in your PHP settings (php.ini) and reboot the web server!

Change directory

Are you stuck to the 'files' directory under webroot? Nope.

Open up Config/bootstrap.php under the Plugin/AjaxMultiUpload directoryand change the '' setting.

The directory will live under the app webroot directory - this isas per CakePHP conventions.

Change directory paths

By default, the plugin stores files into /webroot/files/$model/$id . It is possibleto change the /files/ directory through the configuration setting mentioned above.To change the /$model/$id/ path though (say you want to change it to md5($model . $id)),look for this line in Controller/Component/UploadComponent.php AND View/Helper/UploadHelper.php:

Change the function in both these files to do whatever you would like. Note that you have to makethe changes in BOTH files for this to work.

Multiple Uploads in same view/edit

It is now possible to have multiple view/edit functions in the same CakePHP view. For example, for a Photo controller, add this to your view.ctp:

and this to your View/Photos/edit.ctp:

This allows you to upload and two sets of files to your same entity/object in a controller/view.


  • Version 1.1.1 / Jul 22 2015: you can now restrict file types that can be uploaded
  • Version 1.1.0 / May 21 2015: now uses Dropzone.js instead of the older file upload
  • Version 1.0.3 / Jul 30 2012: multiple view/edit on same views possible (thanks to bobartlett@github)
  • Version 1.0.2 / Jul 16 2012: deleteAll() and listing() functionality added
  • Version 1.0.1 / Apr 02 2012: Delete functionality - from view() - added
  • Version 1.0.0 / Mar 2012: Initial release


This uses the Dropzone.js Javascript library for file uploads: and file icons from: . (The plugin previously used an Ajax Upload script from:

Also, thanks to contributions from the following GitHub users:

Multiple File Upload In Cake Php Tutorial

  • @rscherf : Getting it to work with Auth and sub-domains
  • @bobartlett : Fix to allow multiple AMU helpers in same view
  • @notoriousturtle : Fix to Auth to get it working in CakePHP 2.5 and above


Multiple File Upload In Cakephp 3.0

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