Create Pdf From Web Form Php

All the php to pdf librarys are great to work with only if you are not intending on creating active forms. I have been trying to create an active form which can be saved offlline then submited but so far most library’s won’t work in the pdf reader.

Create a form

Import or scan a form

Distribute form

Track form

Forms FAQ

PHP - Keep The Values in The Form. To show the values in the input fields after the user hits the submit button, we add a little PHP script inside the value attribute of the following input fields: name, email, and website. Create PDF with form data. Now create the PDF, set the PDF to ignore any invalid UTF-8 data. I’ve been developing applications for the web using mostly PHP.

This document explains how to publish interactive PDF webforms. (If you are looking for information on how to create a form from scratch, create a form from a scanned document, distribute a form or track a form, click the appropriate link above. To explore the common questions on forms, click the Forms FAQ link.)

PDF forms can be useful for submitting and collecting information over the web. This is done by providing several button actions that perform functions similar to some HTML scripting macros. You must have a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application on the web server to collect and route the data to a database. Any existing CGI application that collects data from forms (in HTML, FDF, or XML format) can be used.

Before you make your forms web-ready, make sure that your form-field names match those sets in the CGI application.


CGI scripts must be built outside Acrobat, and their creation is not covered by the Adobe Acrobat product.

Use the Submit A Form action to send form data to an email address or to a web server by specifying a URL. You can also use the submit button to send other files back to a server or database. For example, you can attach scanned images or files to a form. The files are submitted along with the rest of the form data when you click the Submit button.


Ifyour PDF form contains an email-based submit button, you can usethe Distribute workflow to facilitate distributing the form to others.

  1. Choose Tools > Prepare Form, then select Button in the toolbar, and create a button.

  2. Double-click the button to open the ButtonProperties dialog box.
  3. Click the Actions tab, and select Mouse Up from the Select Trigger menu.

  4. Select Submit A Form from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.

  5. In the Submit Form Selections dialog box, type an entry in Enter A URL For This Link:

    • To send the form data to a web server,enter the destination URL.

    • To send the form data to an email address, enter mailto: followedby the email address. For example, type

  6. Make additional changes to the available options, and then click OK to close the dialog box.

    For information on the available options, see the next section.

  7. Change settings on other tabs in the Button Properties dialog box as needed, and then click Close.

Exports as an FDF file. You can select one or more of the available options: user-entered data, comments, and incremental changes to the PDF file. The Incremental Changes To The PDF option is useful for exporting a digital signature in a way a server can easily read and reconstruct.


If the server returns data to the user in FDF or XFDF format, the server’s URL must end with the #FDF suffix—for example, http://myserver/cgi-bin/myscript#FDF.

Exports as an HTML file.

Exports as an XML file. You can choose to export the formfields data, comments, or both.

Exports the entire PDF file that is your form. Although this creates a larger file than the FDF option, it is useful for preserving digital signatures.


If the users that fill in the PDF form are using Adobe Reader, you must choose either FDF or XFDF for the Export Format option.

Exports all form fields even if the form fields do not containvalues.

Exports only the form fields you specify by clicking SelectFields and indicating which form fields to include and whether youwant to include empty fields.

Exports all form dates in a single format, regardless ofhow they are entered in the form.

A Reset Form button clears any data a user has already entered in the form. It is like the Tools > Prepare Form > More > Clear Form feature, which is available to you when you create and edit Acrobat forms. However, you can set up your reset button so that it clears only specific fields.

  1. Choose Tools > Prepare Form, then select Button in the toolbar, and create a button.

  2. Double-click the button to open the ButtonProperties dialog box.
  3. Click the Actions tab, and select Mouse Up from the Select Trigger menu.

  4. Select Reset A Form from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.

  5. In the Reset A Form dialog box, do one of the following and then click OK:

    • Click individual check boxes to select or deselect the fields that you want to be reset by the button.

    • Select All.

    The list in the Actions tab now shows Reset A Formnested under the Mouse Up action.

  6. Click another tab in the Button Properties dialog box to continue defining properties for the button, or click Close.

Use the Import Form Data action to enable users to fill out common form fields, such as name and email address, with data imported from another form. Users can also use the Import Data button to populate common form fields with their personal profile information. Only form fields that match are updated. The fields that do not match are ignored. Before you create an Import Form Data action, set up a form with common information form fields from which to export the data.


The Import Form Data action searches for the data file from which to import data in different locations in Windows than on Mac OS. In Windows, the Import Form Data action searches the Acrobat or Acrobat Reader folder, the current folder, the System folder, the Windows folder, My DocumentsAdobeAcrobat, and the folders that are in the PATH statement. On Mac OS, the Import Form Data action searches the Acrobat or Acrobat Reader folder and the System Preferences folder.

  1. Choose Tools > Prepare Form, then select Button in the toolbar, and create a button.

  2. Double-click the button to open the ButtonProperties dialog box.
  3. Click the Actions tab, and select Mouse Up from the Select Trigger menu.

  4. Select Import Form Data from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.

  5. Click another tab in the Button Properties dialog box to continue defining properties for the button, or click Close.

Free create pdf from web page

Anexport value is the information sent to a CGI application to identifya user-selected form field. You need to define an export value onlyif both of the following are true: Free download resetter epson printer.

  • The data is collected electronically in a database over a company intranet or the web.

  • The data is different from the item designated by the form field, or the form field is a radio button.

    When defining export values, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Use the default export value (Yes) to indicate that a check box or radio button has been selected.

  • Enter an export value for drop-down lists only if you want the value to be different from the item listed—for example, to match the name of the form field in a database. The item selected in the drop-down list is used as the export value unless a different export value is explicitly entered in the Properties dialog box.

  • Related radio buttons must have exactly the same form field name but different export values. This ensures that the radio buttons toggle and that the correct values will be collected in the database.

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Active2 months ago

I have a docx document file set up with formating and layout, which I saved as a PDF file.I want to use this pdf file as a template for creating new pdf files pre-filled with user data.

I have seen FPDF, FPDI, tcPDF, domPDF, Zend PDF, (Justin Koivisto), a few convertion tools like HTML2PDF and a few command line tools mentioned here on stackoverflow. With the exception of FPDI, none of them offer an example using a PDF template to either search-and-replace custom tags with actual data (usually from a database) or add data without specifying a bunch of values like x, y, postion, font, font-formating etc.

Creating a PDF from scratch seems like too much work.I have not yet considered using a HTML2PDF converter as the results appear to vary greatly, and then there is the issue with styling. Some tools allow CSS, but often with limits like no float support.

Are there no easy way of using a template like there is for Excel with PHPExcel ?

My need is:

  • Free
  • Load and use a template
  • Search-and-replace custom tags
  • Add data (text, image, font, formating etc)
  • Custom header and footer
  • Must work with shared hosting
  • Allow download, save/store to server and attach to email (preferable without having to save it first) of final generated PDF
1,4267 gold badges28 silver badges48 bronze badges

10 Answers

I really recommend MPDF :

  1. it is based on FPDF and HTML2FPDF, so you can use some of their functions or add others
  2. it has tons of cool features (create any kind of barcodes, locale support, watermarks, and many more)
  3. it has an extremely well made documentation
  4. it has a community forum
  5. it has examples!
  6. it has an easy learning curve

The only bad thing is that it is a little heavy-weight, but you can remove things that you dont need.

5,8702 gold badges40 silver badges48 bronze badges

use TCPDF you can create the PDF template using HTML tags principles it is fast to create, easy to use, easy to integrate I used it for generating detailed invoices of a law office(multiple pages with different format), the production envelope of a jewellery workshop (included photo), stock notes and invoices.

Catalin MarinCatalin Marin
8781 gold badge8 silver badges18 bronze badges

try FPDI it support editing an existing template and making changes in that template file

usage is pretty stratight forward :

Also refer to links below:Is there a solution for pdf template in PHP?

– Step 1: Connect Epson PX660 to computer by USB cable. – Step 2: Power on printer and wait printer ready to work. – Step 3: Open WIC reset software and choose printer. Reset Waste Ink Pad Counter Epson PX660 Software Product name: Reset Epson PX660 Software. Compatible Models: Epson Stylus Photo PX660 File Size: 2.37Mb. Epson printer resetting and maintenance. There is a software reset method that can be used to reset ink levels. Your info just helped me reset my Epson RX620. Epson px660 ink pad resetter software Epson PX660 Resetting Software Function – Check the current value of waste ink counters and ink level counters. – Clear Waste Ink Counters. – Cleaning printhead. – Ink charge. – Read and write serial number. – Read and write USB ID. – Read and write HEAD ID. – Make EEPROM dump, backup. – Paper feed test. – Nozzle check. En.Rellenado: How to reset pads Epson Stylus Photo PX660 How to reset pads Epson Stylus Photo PX660 Follow the steps below to reset the Epson Stylus Photo PX660 printer, get a link to download the software and another will show how to run the software. Download Epson PX660 resetter software July 7, 2015 by Reset Epson You have Epson PX660 printing device and You are expecting soon counters drop down to zero & You have to reset counters.

Gaurav SharmaGaurav Sharma
2,2381 gold badge32 silver badges53 bronze badges

LiveDocx is a template-based document creation platform.

Felipe DuardoFelipe Duardo

Create Web Form In Html

The problem with trying to use a PDF as a 'template' is that PDF is a typeset document format. Eg. it is a fixed layout and you shouldn't really mess with the layout too much.

It would be much simpler, if you want to do more with this, to use something like XSL-FO to generate your documents from an XML 'template'. All you need do is generate the XML with the right fields in place and the XSL-FO renderer can then create the PDF for you.

The best (only?) free XSL-FO renderer is Apache FOP.


You can skip all the pain of defining template over existing PDF with . It creates a JSON mapping area over PDF page/coordinates, so that you can fill it with PDF API you prefer.

6,7843 gold badges23 silver badges34 bronze badges

Instead of doing this with PHP, you could use Word or OpenOffice Mail Merge feature to create the template and import the data into the tags. Then you can 'print' but export as a pdf instead of actually printing. This might be a faster solution provided you don't need to update the template regularly. I did this for about 150 products and it took less than 30 minutes including creating the template and uploading the pdfs. Just an after-thought, hope this helps somebody else!


Create Pdf From Web Form Php Mysql

2,7154 gold badges27 silver badges49 bronze badges

Take a look at provides an API that allows you to use OpenOffice or LibreOffice templates and do substitution of text or images.


Here is some example how to create multiple pages with one PDF template and content as HTML. Based on MPDF library.


Create Web Form In Access

Sergey OnishchenkoSergey Onishchenko
3,1221 gold badge30 silver badges36 bronze badges

I was needing that for a project so I've created a fast tool for that. You can check it and feel free to contribute here


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